November 6, 2012


First things first! Whenever we have a new place, we love to give our friends and family a grand tour! 

As our most loyal fans ;) here you are, and we'd love to show you around.

...sometimes we are ALL BUSINESS, and sometimes it's more like a BIRTHDAY PARTY around here! Either way, let's keep it fresh and enjoyable!

You can expect posts in the following categories: (...and more!)

    [interior design - of course!]
     We are always altering and updating. When we're not, we are looking for inspiration. You will 
     get a giddy bit of both in this category!

  [product design]
     When it comes to design, some people just know how to do it right! As both form and 
     function are important, we'll show you plenty of examples where the two meld beautifully!

     All five senses are to be engaged if you wish to have an ultimate design experience. Here,
     we'll bring you sights, sounds, etc. to get your imagination rolling!

  [story additions]
     We are, and have been cultivating the globe in search of heroes and heroines for the stories 
     we encounter. Click back here to snag some of these choice characters for your own space.

 [life-changing recipes]
     These will be a rare, but special gem. As "treat girls," we'd like to remind you to treat your 
     life more like a fairy tale ;)
     We encourage you to spice up the experience! Light a few candles and share with friends!

Come Back Soon!
Melissa, Cheryl & Stacie

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