December 28, 2012


We hope you have all been enjoying a lovely holiday! While our old brick house hunkered down into over a FOOT of snow(!), we were off gallivanting in sunny Arizona!

Please enjoy some of the sights:
When pine trees aren't an option, the next best thing is to decorate your cactus!! LOVE!

THIS GUY is always such a hit with the kiddos ...and Little Miss Adrenaline had to try everything he did. She'll be giving her parents a run for their money once the boys start lining up. :)

She just kept hollering for him to go faster!

Thank heavens we flew that skateboard over with us! It was the life of the party.

What a stunning display this neighborhood put on for the world! The entire street was lined, both sides with luminaries. Absolutely charming!

Saying goodbye was hard, knowing we'd have to pull on our galoshes just to get in our own front door! Thanks for the show Arizona!!

Happy holidays to all of you!

Stacie, Melissa & Cheryl

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