February 1, 2013


Design for little ones has been fresh on my mind. 

You see, there must be something in the air here... I took a tally of my close friends and family (not even Facebook friends) who are expecting little ones in the near future. Guess how many? 15! 15 Friends with little ones on the way! So while I'm thinking of the perfect baby gift to buy 16 times, (one friend is having twins!) I'll send out a few ideas for their nursery inspiration.

This is more of a room for big brother or sister. I absolutely LOVE the simplicity, AND the chalkboard wall. Hopefully the little lady in this room never finds the need to color her walls with markers. :)

I love this sweet 'mobile.'

How fun is this room?!!! I would have loved to have a tepee like this! ...and aren't those floors lovely?

Just a small reminder that it's important to keep things fun! When we're designing for littles, we like to keep our client in mind. I'm sure this design would be a crowd-pleaser! 

I daresay that the little guy in this room will be all kinds of manly when he grows up. ;) Cowboys! Antlers! Metal! Tools! Navy Blue!

Is this straight out of a fairy tale? What a charming little space!!!

I LOVE how fresh this space feels! It's a blank palette where the little one can grow and develop his or her own ideas! ...I also have to admit that I envy the complete absence of plastic toys! 

Lastly, I love the pops of color and sweet vintage/modern details of this space! I'm dying to have that lamp!!



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