February 8, 2013


As functional beings, you'd never think the solution to a successful event is to turn the lights ...OFF!       (Wait, what??)

A little over-head light is fine, but trust us on this one... if you have high-intensity florescent lights beaming down from your ceilings, party time is the perfect time to give them a rest!

(Now for the designer secret) ---->There's nothing more flattering on a guest than lamplight!!

With that said, please enjoy some of my favorite lamps.

Clean, modern AND classic. Love the warmth of the gold!


Fabulous traditional charm! You should see this one in person; it is tall with a big drum shade!

I LOVE this lamp! It is on my bedstands; and I have used it in multiple projects. It is always a great go-to, as it works in almost any space.

Surprisingly, this works WONDERFULLY in a "child-proof" room. The overall height is fairly minimum, and the base is super heavy compared to the shade. ...which means, it doesn't like to tip over.

...I have to admit, I'm not usually drawn in by floor lamps, but as floor lamps go, this one is on my list!! 

That's it for now kids! :) I hope you have something fun planned for the weekend; and remember, if you invite your pals over, set them up with a free (lamplight) 'makeover!'


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