February 18, 2013


Have you heard of the VEVO GO SHOWs? They are "on the fly" performances, where a current artist/group grace somewhat-unsuspecting fans with their presence. When I need a pick-me-up, I start at the top and roll through. It all reminds me that any kind of creative endeavor, while beautiful when polished, is also marvelous in the raw.

Enjoy this clip from my favorite GO SHOW!
If you're looking for a totally free-bird performance, I recommend THIS ONE. And if you're in the mood for something different, I recommend watching THESE GUYS perform somewhere totally unexpected!

If you have the day off, (it's a holiday for some of us!) I hope you're out enjoying it! ...In the instance it's just a normal Monday for you, I hope you take a minute to JAM OUT and get pumped for the week ahead! I've heard that dancing is an excellent source of endorphins! :)

Hope you have a fabulous Monday and a GREAT WEEK ahead!


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