March 15, 2013


 Here's the final highlights from the lovely Atlanta trip! It never ceases to amaze me, how much travel opens my eyes to the seemingly ordinary. People, plants, buildings and scenery that the locals have gotten used to, are new and fresh to my eyes. I usually feel the urge to sketch my favorite details, but have rarely set aside the time. Usually pictures will have to do, "until I have time to sketch them." ...if only it were the only thing on my list... :)
The State Capitol

Billiards Room at Catawba. Check out that carpet!!

Hope you've enjoyed seeing Atlanta from my point of view! Coming up, are trips to San Antonio and Las Vegas!!! ...It helps to have family and clients scattered all over the 'States, so we have an excuse to travel. :)

Have a lovely Friday!!!

Stacie | EDIT design HOUSE

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