March 20, 2013


Welcome Spring! We are thrilled to have you. This means that Easter is just around the corner and I haven't planned a thing. I need to get crackin'! I would love to try some new festivities this year. Especially since it is my first time celebrating the holiday as a mama. Baby P. is still too little to appreciate traditions, but I am excited to implement them anyway. I have seen a few things floating around the web that are charming! Click below for more.

LOVING this alternative "Little Farmer Easter Basket" featured on Design Mom.

Beautiful Marbelized Swirl eggs from Martha Stewart. I adore the "earthy" quality.

For years, I have been wanting to make Pavlova for Easter. Smitten Kitchen's Mixed Berry Pavlova looks  divine. Doesn't it seem like the quintessential Spring dessert?

What are your Easter traditions? Anything that you would like to try out this year?


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