March 1, 2013


Good morning, darlings and happy first day of March! I am sooo looking forward to Spring. Luckily, it's just around the corner! March in our part of the world is rumored to "come in like a lion and go out like a lamb". Not sure what kind of weather the weekend will bring, but I would like to hit up a local farm with my Mister and Baby P. for fresh eggs and honey. And hopefully, manage a brunch, a walk around the neighborhood and a movie at home. How about you? Any fun plans? If you find yourself indoors, here are some great finds that have been floating around the web.

A little YELLOW to brighten your day. 

Hoping to make THIS chocolate pudding for movie night. 

The LATEST in Gabrielle Blair's Living With Kids series. Beautiful!

Kitchen STAMPS that will transform everyday baked goods in to haute couture wonders. 

Fabric RIBBONS for Kvadrat for Stockholm Design Week. 

Until Monday! 


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