May 13, 2013

PARTY DETAILS: Health & Beauty Bash

Happy Monday! I hope all you women had a fabulous Mother's Day! ...whether you're a mother or not, I'm convinced that women make the world go round. :) So go ahead, pat yourself on the back, realize how lovely you are, and go get 'em!

As the ever-busy woman I am, I have decided to host a HEALTH & BEAUTY BASH this month, to teach the women in my world how to better care for themselves and their families. (Plus, look & feel fabulous doing it!) I'm so excited to share my 103 year-old home, along with the knowledge I've been gathering.

As a designer, there's this part of me that won't just let people come over. I must show them that I'm as excited to have them, as they are to come! Check out a few of the ways I intend to show them! :)

These invites really pack a punch! I definitely want to get their attention.... this just might do the trick!

I love the fresh feel of this setting!!! Our bash won't be a formal sit-down, but this is definitely the feel we're going for! We will really be emphasizing the ways we can EDIT the muck out of our beauty regimen. This is an all-natural approach!

Fresh flowers are a must!

I love these details! Crisp, clean and lovely!

(Sources: invites, peaches tablescape, painted cans, tulips, orange chandelier, white bowls).

Have a beautiful week! Please let me know if you have any questions about all natural beauty products. We have been researching this thing to death! :)


Stacie | EDIT design HOUSE

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